1. All players must register their character in CAD. If you fail to do so you will be temp banned until you open a ticket and show you have done so.
2. Show respect towards server staff and server members.
3. In RTO, it is prohibited to talk over one another. Repeated offenses will result in punishment.
4. You must follow the peacetime and priority cooldown located on the bottom left of your screen
5. You can steal any emergency vehicles. police cars, ambulances, fire trucks, and military vehicles. If it's unlocked. You must give out the location if the cops ask for it because every cop car has a black box. So they can see how fast your going and where you're at.
6. Do not ask higher-ups for positions or ranks.
7. Value your in-game life. If you would not do it in real life don't do it here. This includes using common sense. This includes realistic actions towards getting robbed, having a gun pointed at you, not shooting at the police without RP reason to do so, ect.
8. Follow the new life rule, which includes not using previous knowledge after you die, not returning to the spot of death, and changing your character if jailed. If a character is pronounced dead at a scene, that character is considered dead permanently and can not be played again.
9. Furthermore, any shot with a heavy sniper rifle that kills the character in game is considered a dead character as that rifle is modeled off of the .50 cal in real life. Also be realistic. Do not RP surviving just because you want your character to live.
10. Characters jailed for minor infractions may play as that character immediately after jail sentence. Characters jailed for 300 seconds must be changed until the next day. (24 hours)
11. Sexual and rape RP is prohibited. Also, Do not talk about it on this server or in voice chats. No one wants to hear you talk about what you did with your pillow last night.
12. Do not spam chats or harass other members.
13. Hit Man and gang rp is not allowed unless there are at least 5 cops on duty. Hitman RP requires legit RP reason, and each PLAYER gets one hitman per day.(24 hours) Cops cannot be targeted unless a player has been arrested for a FELONY rated charge such as murder, felony theft, ect. Hitman RP MUST take place on the dark web.
14. Use of a Hitman character must follow these guidelines. A character must set up a meeting via the dark web. Both hitman and purchasing characters must meet in person to discuss terms. Hitman must track their target for AT LEAST 5 minutes before attacking. Attacking in front of police is prohibited. Hitman must track the CHARACTER, and not the player. If the player is a different character, the hitman cannot attack. They may attack if that character is spotted again.
15. Do not engage in VDM, RDM, or Metagame. VDM refers to vehicle deathmatch for no reason, RDM refers to randomly attacking and interfering with a player, and Metagame refers to using information from outside of the RP.
16. Obtain consent from players before engaging in RP scenarios.
17. Pornography is strictly prohibited on this server. No one wants to see your small willy or your nasty porn collection of you mom and your sister.
18. If you crash your car, you must roleplay the situation. This includes realistic responses to how your car crashes. Rolling down a hill and driving away is strictly forbidden. Exceptions may be made if you are completely alone, a scene has been 22’d, or AI interfered with a scene such as the random shootings or crashing into your car without reason.
19. Pursuits involving police require prior RP and warrant/bolo. Running for minor infractions is not allowed. Also if you do run only run for like 5 minutes. No cop wants to chase you for half an hour because you wanna run.
20. Do not change characters, vehicles, or clothing on the vMenu out in the open and in view of players. Go somewhere out of sight and out of the way. A mechanic shop, or clothing stores are acceptable places. Also do not change cars just because you are wanted.
21. Before contacting the government (owners), please follow the chain of command. Consult with an administrator. Direct messaging the government without consultation is not permitted.
22. Offensive usernames and profile pictures are strictly prohibited.
23. There is zero tolerance for hate speech or discrimination/racism.
24. Refrain from cop baiting, which involves going out of your way to get pulled over by an officer nearby. This includes hunting down cops so you can purposely do illegal stuff to get police attention, following and honking at police, randomly shooting without reason or just being plain stupid and doing donuts in front of them.
25. No toxic rp so show respect to other players and make friends. Instead of just pulling a gun and killing every player you see. So chill out and have fun.
26. Not every scene needs to be a shootout. This is Roleplay, not cops and robbers. Not every character needs to have a gun, not every interaction with the police needs to involve running or shooting. Passive RP’s such as opening shops, selling houses, selling cars, are all viable. Having bad neighbors, “Karen calls” can be just as fun. This isn’t youtube, we don’t do huge bank robberies and police chases 24/7. It’s annoying for the cops. Your imagination is the limit.
27. You can not 10-22(disregard) a scene just because something happened you didn’t like, or you fell into the road and got hit by a car, or fell off of a billboard. Everything must be Roleplayed as it happens. The only exception is a misclick in which you attack another player. Only Admin+ can 10-22 a scene that is not their own.
28. Steam/Fivem and Discord names MUST all match.
29. All server laws are based in Georgia USA. You have to follow these laws.
30. No inappropriate songs are to be played on the car radio. Like sex or rape topics.
31. You must be at least 13+ to be in the server.
32. All drag cars from the Donator Drag Car Pack are not allowed on the street.
33. Donating to the server does not allow you to not follow the rules. You are not special, you’re just like everyone else on the server. You’re just helping support the server.
34. You are not allowed to leave more than one unoccupied Vehicle at your house. When you leave your home and go drive around. It is hard on the server and it causes lag for people that don't have high-end computers.
35. You must be in the server / game for 6 hours before you get verified. Being verified gives you access to more guns and a lot of add-on cars. Also after you’re verified you can apply to be a cop. After you have been in the server for 10 day you can apply for staff if you want.
36. Advertising other communities, discords, or any social media without permission is strictly forbidden. If you do so without approval you will be banned.
37. After your character dies, stop trying to come back with the same clothing outfit and act the same as the old character but just change the name.
38. Crosshair or aim assist / hacks or mod menu ARE NOT ALLOWED. If you get caught using any of them you'll be banned permanently.
39. No hot miking. No one wants to hear your Tik Tok scream in their ears. So show respect and mute your mic.